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Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Divorcing? The Couple’s $60M Home Listed for Sale

Whispers of a potential divorce have plagued Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, and a recent development has intensified the speculation: their extravagant Beverly Hills mansion is on the market. Could this be the final curtain call for Bennifer 2.0? Are Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck divorce rumors true?

Selling the Dream (or What Remains of It?)

are jennifer lopez and ben affleck divorce

Instagram | mansion.dreamers | Sources say Lopez and Affleck are trying to sell their massive Beverly Hills estate.

Many sources report that Lopez and Affleck are trying to sell their colossal Beverly Hills estate, a palace valued at a staggering $60 million. The couple purchased the property in May 2023, shortly after tying the knot in a surprise Las Vegas ceremony.

Santiago Arana from The Agency is tasked with finding a buyer for this architectural marvel. But, despite being on the market for a couple of weeks, the mansion remains unsold, further fueling rumors of a troubled paradise.

A Palace Befitting Hollywood Royalty

The sheer scale of the mansion is enough to leave anyone speechless. Sprawling across a staggering 43,000 square feet, it boasts a dizzying 17 bedrooms and a mind-boggling 30 bathrooms! Fit for Hollywood royalty, the property features an indoor sports complex for private workouts, a personal sports bar for entertaining guests in style, sprawling outdoor areas perfect for relaxation under the California sun, a stunning zero-edge pool glistening like a jewel, and extensive, meticulously landscaped grounds that would make any landscape architect envious.

From Honeymoon Bliss to Troubled Waters?

are jennifer lopez and ben affleck divorce

Instagram | benaffleckarchives | The decision to sell their mansion aligns with ongoing rumors of marital discord between Lopez and Affleck.

The decision to sell the mansion coincides with persistent rumors of marital discord between Lopez and Affleck. These speculations have been fueled by reports of Affleck residing in a separate home, seemingly seeking solitude.

Additionally, Lopez has been spotted house hunting with a friend, raising questions about her own living situation. Adding fuel to the fire, Affleck has recently been seen without his wedding ring, a symbolic absence that hasn’t gone unnoticed by the watchful eyes of the media.

A Honeymoon Fading? Cracks in the Facade?

Last month, a source reportedly that Lopez and Affleck seem to be on completely different wavelengths now that the initial excitement of their reunion has subsided. The source claimed that Affleck struggles to keep pace with Lopez’s glamorous, jet-setting lifestyle and feels overwhelmed by the demands of their marriage.

Despite these rumors, neither Lopez nor Affleck have publicly addressed the speculation. They have been seen together occasionally, attempting to project a united front. But, the question lingers: is this a genuine display of affection, or a carefully crafted facade to shield their troubled marriage from public scrutiny?

Are Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck Divorce Speculations True?

are jennifer lopez and ben affleck divorce

Instagram | hellocanadamag | A source claims Lopez and Affleck are on different wavelengths after their reunion’s initial excitement faded.

Only time will tell if the rumors swirling around Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s marriage hold any truth. The sale of their luxurious mansion undeniably adds another layer of intrigue to the situation. With both parties remaining silent on the matter, fans can only speculate about the future of this high-profile couple.

Are Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck divorce rumors true? This question hangs heavy in the air as the couple navigates these uncharted waters. The coming weeks and months will likely reveal whether they can weather this storm or if their rekindled romance is destined to fizzle out, leaving fans heartbroken yet again.

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